Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Origami Buisness

Hey everyone! I'm sorry about this, but my tutorials won't be out until my next post or later.  Anyway, me and some of my friend started an origami business.  So basically,  we make  awesome origami models like magic balls, flashers, and 3D origami(I'll post about 3D origami soon).  3D origami is like, the ultimate origami, but we won't go into that too much for now.  We already have, like, 20 orders for origami magic balls, so it looks like I'm gonna be pretty busy.  Um... I may post my friend Facebook page for you guys to see more about our business.  I also may get a new favicon!  I know you guys don't care.  Bye for now!


  1. hey dominic its me nick hahahahhahhahahahahhahah post something new llike the heart attack from jeremy shafer
