Thursday, July 14, 2011

Origami Columbus Tower Review

Hello everyone!  I found this video on "Youtube" by EzOrigami.  He made the video on how to make an origami panda that I reviewed.  He tells you how to make an origami columbus tower.  It is made up of origami columbus cubes which are regular origami cubes but with an inverted corner.  You use the inverted corner to stack the cubes in a way that makes the tower unique and abstract.  Here is the link for the video: project is modular, so you need to make a lot of one shape to put together just to make one cube.  But once you make one cube, you get the hang of it.  This tower is really fun to make, and the amount of cubes in it is up to you.  The instructions are really clear and easy to understand,  and so is just about every other video by EzOrigami.  I'd say just about anyone can  make this origami tower, but it can take a while if you want to make a lot of cubes.  I made two columbus towers.  One had three cubes, and the other had four cubes.  Soon I will post pictures of the two towers.  Also, now I will be rating origami projects one to five stars. Until then, see you later!


  1. I saw the ghost video. Oh, and P.S., THAT FREAKED THE ***** OUT OF ME!

  2. Oh, and why would you recommend something THAT FREAKED THE ***** OUT OF ME?
