Thursday, July 28, 2011

Origami Terrier Review

Hey Guys!  The reason I haven't been posting is a while is because Iv'e been trying out different origami models.  Anyways, I found a tutorial on making an origami terrier, which is a breed of dog.
Above is the video by jonakashima on "Youtube" if you want to make this model.  Here is a link to his channel:  He makes all sorts of video tutorials on origami projects but never explains the steps.  But since the steps are usually straight foward,  they don't really need explaining.  Back to the terrier.  This project is really simple and fun to make.  I think it is fun because you get to sculpt  and round out parts of the model.  I would recommend  using either black, grey, or brownish colored paper because those are the colors of terrier dogs.  Another interesting thing about this model is that since terriers have shaggy fur that usually drops down near their paws, this project has that to(above).  Over all, I would give this project 5*'s.  Remember to comment and follow!  I also now have two fish on my blog named Yin and Yang for you guys to play with and feed.  Also tell me about different origami projects and I might review them.  Bye!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Origami Flasher Review

Hi guys!  Sorry that I havn't posted in a while or posted the pictures.  I've been really lazy.  Anyway, I found this video on "Youtube" that shows you how to make an origami toy called a flasher.  If you pull on  it's corners really fast, it "flashes"  open and closed.  This kind of flasher is smaller than many other kinds, but is still awsome.  Here is a link for the video if you want to make it: can use just about any color paper, and this project is pretty simple and easy.  If you are a begginer at origami, however, this project may be more difficult because it involves twist folds and all that junk.  When this flasher is closed, it just looks like a small paper star kind of thing.  But when you open and close it, it swirls, which is cool.  This paper toy is really fun and I definitley recommend you make this.  Over all I give this project 5 *'s(stars).  I will be posting pictures of the flasher opened and closed andothe projects soon( I hope I don't jynx myself).  Bye guys!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Origami Columbus Tower Review

Hello everyone!  I found this video on "Youtube" by EzOrigami.  He made the video on how to make an origami panda that I reviewed.  He tells you how to make an origami columbus tower.  It is made up of origami columbus cubes which are regular origami cubes but with an inverted corner.  You use the inverted corner to stack the cubes in a way that makes the tower unique and abstract.  Here is the link for the video: project is modular, so you need to make a lot of one shape to put together just to make one cube.  But once you make one cube, you get the hang of it.  This tower is really fun to make, and the amount of cubes in it is up to you.  The instructions are really clear and easy to understand,  and so is just about every other video by EzOrigami.  I'd say just about anyone can  make this origami tower, but it can take a while if you want to make a lot of cubes.  I made two columbus towers.  One had three cubes, and the other had four cubes.  Soon I will post pictures of the two towers.  Also, now I will be rating origami projects one to five stars. Until then, see you later!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Origami Monkey Review

Hi everybody!  Sorry I haven't posted in the last few days.  I've been lazy.  Anyway,  I found this video tutorial on how to make an origami monkey.  Here is a link to the video:  The username of the video maker  is happypuppytruffles.  Here is a link to her channel if you want to watch other origami tutorials:  The origami monkey turns out to be pretty cool.  It can stand on it's four legsl ike how real monkeys do, which is also pretty cool.  The monkey does not have ears, though.  This makes the monkey look more like a dog.  However,  The monkey ends up with a roundish snout and face, which makes up for that.  The instructions for the origami monkey are clear and easy to follow.  But this project requires patience because it has it's tricky parts.  I would reccomend using a brown or brown-redish sort of color paper, as most monkeys are those colors.  Over all,  I would give this project 4 and 1/2 stars.  I will soon post pictures of the origami monkey and peacock.  Hopefully I will post tommorrow.  See you guys later!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Origami Peacock Review

Hey, guys! I was surfing the internet to look for cool origami projects, when I came across an origami peacock.  So I looked for instructions, and found a video tutorial at  The person giving the instructions speaks in portuguese, but since the disign for the peacock is so simple, it is easy to follow. The origami peacock itself turns out great and looks cool.  I would recommend using either a blue-green, blue, or purple-colored paper because those colors look closest to the color of a peacock.  The origami peacock represents a male, so it has a fan sort of tail.  This project takes about 5 minutes at most to make.  I definitley recommend you try to make this, because it is so easy and fun to make.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Origami Car Review

Hi everyone! I had enough time today to fold an origami car (as requested by Justin Levine) and review it. The url address for the instructions is if you want to make it. Above  is how mine turned out.  It is supposed to be a buggy I think.  I would reccomend using a dark color paper because most cars I see today are dark colors.  It is a video tutorial, and no one in the video explains the steps.  This makes the project more difficult to do.   Even with someone explaining, the project is complicated and kind of frustrating.  This origami car took me at least forty minutes to make, mostly because I had to keep on redoing steps. I wouldn't reccomend little kids try to make this, unless they have someone help them like an adult.  If you have a lot of patience and are good at origami, this could be a great and fun project for you.

This is a picture of the completed origami panda

Origami Panda Review

Hey again!  I just finished making my origami panda from the video tutorial by EzOrigami on "Youtube".  If you want to make the panda yourslef, click on this link:  For part 2 of the video, click here:  The instructions are very clear and easy to follow.  This project is tricky at some parts, but the outcome is great.  What is cool about the origami panda is that it can stand up without you having to hold it up.  This project is very fun, mainly because you know your gonna end up with a cool little paper panda. It is pretty easy to make, but like I said before, it has some tricky parts.  This is definitly a project I would reccomend that you do.  Hopfully soon I will post a picture of my origami panda. See you later!


Hey! My name is Dominic, and this is my blog that reviews awesome origami projects either on the internet, or from a sketchy book on the streets.  I'll tell you if the projects are easy, hard, fun, or boring.  Not only will I be reviewing origami projects, but I will also include a link to the site where I got the project so you can fold it yourself. I will also recomend the color of paper to use. I will try to post again today. Remember to comment and tell me about some cool origami projects and where to find it. I might post about it!  Have fun!